You must choose.
MatPat on Youtube (The Game Theorists) pointed out that TikTok has a constant feed of very short videos, chosen by their algorithm, and that Youtube long videos require you to choose what you want to listen to next. He's concerned that Youtube Shorts, an effort to make Youtube relevant to people who like TikTok, is making long form video less likely to be seen, and therefore less likely to pay off for their creators. He feels that communities of like-minded people will be lost, since short videos in constant rotation make it hard to follow specific creators. He's right to be worried about that. But my concern is more basic:
Letting someone else, even the most harmless algorithm, choose your media for you, is a recipe for disaster.
You were given a brain, with eyes, ears, hands, emotions, touch, sensations, and the ability to choose what to do with them. This ability to choose is so important that there was a war fought IN HEAVEN over this. Satan was cast out because he refused to allow us to choose. Jesus Christ was chosen to be our Savior because he offered to suffer for all of our sins, so that we could choose without being immediately destroyed. He granted us time to recover, to realize what we've done, to repent, to try to do better. Jesus Christ wanted us to learn, not just be told, what is right. He gave us the ability to build up and the ability to destroy, in little ways, the people and the world around us, so that we would understand by experience. There is pain in destruction, and also catharsis. There is joy in creating, and also strengthening.
We need these both. We need to keep choosing, consciously. Do not set habits that take away choice.