Trees down
A couple summers ago we had a major summer storm; we lost power for three days and many trees fell down. My children and I went out to help in whatever way we could. Some neighbors got out their chainsaws and chopped the trees into movable pieces. We carried wood from the street onto the curb so that cars could get through. There was so much that we were at it all day just a block or two from our home. Streets further away we couldn’t even get to; hopefully the neighbors there helped each other.
Most people did what they could; those with generators offered freezer space to those who were in danger of losing their frozen meats. Some with barbecues and propane grills cooked meats and shared it. Those who could get their cars out went to buy ice and bring it back. There was, however, one guy who refused help with the tree that fell into the street in front of his house. He stubbornly insisted that it’s the city’s job to do that. He wouldn’t help move wood; he even stopped the chainsaw guys from cutting it up. The result was that elsewhere, people could get through to get to work and buy food, weaving between the larger trunks; his street stayed blocked for a week. The city did eventually come, but it took a long time; they were overwhelmed. I wondered at the guy’s attitude. If we waited for someone else to take care of what we could do, we’d never get anything done!