Natural consequences

When people turn their back on inspiration from healthy sources, the Holy Ghost doesn’t give up. He does back away. He allows Christ to work. Satan and his followers are perfectly willing to tell people what to do, and how, but their directions lead to slavery and death, not only for those under the people asking, but for the human leaders as well. Christ knows this; he doesn’t try to shout over them. When people refuse to listen to good advice, Christ doesn’t insist. But he doesn’t just let them stumble slowly to the exit. He makes them uncomfortable. He has arranged the natural world to give consequences: disasters, famines, floods, storms, torrents. He wants people to listen and do good. These disasters are an opportunity to turn to him for help, for actual useful help: to repent, ask for forgiveness and try to help each other instead of hurting.

The tornadoes and hurricanes that upend people’s lives are to challenge us to greater love and kindness, to bring communities together so we can try new ways of relating. 


Trees down


The Holy Ghost