Significant spiritual events

In the opening pages of the Book of Mormon there's an overview of the books found in it and their source material. The small plates of Nephi hold spiritual teachings and history, while the large plates of Nephi initially focused on secular history and the doings of people, though later they also included spiritual teachings and significant spiritual events.

I thought about how historians would write about the recent past in the United States. Secular history would focus on Trump, Biden, Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, China; quarantine, expansion of government power and debt, inflation, income inequality, police and race relations, mass shootings. There's not a lot of spiritual teaching in that. We don't have many prophets walking the streets calling us to repentance, but we do have lots of churches with leaders good and bad and middling. There's lots vying for our attention.

There are significant spiritual events happening. But we have to notice them. A neighbor divorces; another commits her life to Christ in baptism. One person rages against the powers that be; another stoops to help a stranger. Even uncluttering my house can be spiritual; I ditched the lame pickles and opened a jar of better dills. My life got better in a little way.

Your life can improve. It only takes a little at a time. Notice, and then do something.




Nursing my children