On homeschooling teens:

Remember the very basics: bedtimes, mealtimes, get enough sleep and encourage your teen to get enough sleep. There is no need to get up at 6 a.m. just to homeschool. Set a routine that works for your family and tweak as needed, talking with your family and seeing what works for them as well as for you. You have no janitors and no lunch ladies; plan simple meals, cook once - eat twice, leftovers, sandwiches. Assign clean up to your teen and make sure they learn housekeeping skills. Soon enough they will need to maintain their own apartment or dorm room, and they'll be doing dishes and laundry all their life. Make the house a group project; you're the supervisor but you should not be doing all the work. Remind yourself of your core classic: the set of principles you are basing your life on (for me it's scriptures). Learn those principles, live it, teach it, put it into practice in your family. Be patient and forgive yourself. At around 16 or so, most teens can do college courses at least one or two at a time. It teaches following a schedule and test taking, as well as reduces college costs for later. You can do this!




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