
Cruft: unnecessarily complicated things, extra extra stuff.

Many religious leaders have apologized publicly, more privately. They were removed from office for bad behavior, particularly sexual sins but also financial crimes and power seeking. Many in the U.S. have thrown up their hands and said, Religion is a bad thing; look at these horrible examples.

The religious realm is being called out on hypocrisy, as other 'realms' have not set themselves up as standards to follow. While just as abusive and depraved, other 'realms' of society have not been hypocrites about it. There are many horrible things happening outside of religion; they're just not making themselves out to be anything good.

I pray for a return to genuinely good, helpful, kind, compassionate, patient, understanding and yet not condoning, not condemning, diligent in self-correction, and forgiving behavior. Deconstruct the unnecessary, the cruft, the culture that isn't vital to God; take off each piece and look hard at it. Ask, "Does this bring me closer to God and closer to what God wants me to become?"


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On homeschooling teens: