About the First Vision

Some of the things I learned from Joseph Smith's account of the First Vision (Joseph Smith History 1:1-24):

Satan is real and wants to stop all of us from progressing. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are more powerful and can make him go away. They bring light and clarity, opposing darkness and confusion.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are Father and Son to each other. They work together and Heavenly Father actively supports Jesus Christ's efforts to teach and help us. Heavenly Father knows my name and cares about me, but has Jesus Christ teach directly. He delegates authority and responsibility.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have bodies like ours: two eyes, one nose, two hands, etc. So when they say we'll be resurrected and become like them, they mean: we will have bodies like the ones we have now, only perfected and powerful, like theirs.

When I ask a question, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will not yell at me; they will not say, "that's a stupid question; quit asking." Instead they will remind me of what I already know and they will build on that to what they want me to learn.

They give directions. Not usually very specific: turn right here and walk three miles; more like: go this direction... they expect me to have the sense to look both ways before crossing the street and obey traffic signals. They give enough direction to get me going in the way they want me to go; sometimes gliding along in that general direction is enough for the moment, as when Jesus Christ told Joseph, "the true church isn't here right now, but will be revealed. You're doing the things you're supposed to be doing; keep going."

They promise to talk to us again. And then they keep their promises! The whole reason we care about Joseph's first vision, is because it was the first of many. As Joseph grew and learned about the world, he asked more questions and God answered. The questions got really deep and detailed; Jesus Christ gave Joseph Smith answers to his questions, so many answers that Joseph had to have them written down for him. Joseph couldn't keep up, writing them himself; he was busy receiving revelation and learning to express in words the Godly truths he experienced.

We now have an entire book of revelations, instructions for setting up and running God's kingdom on earth. It's called the Doctrine and Covenants. Last year we studied the Book of Mormon, scriptures specifically curated so we in the days before the Second Coming would have a basic understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Doctrine and Covenants builds on that base; it is answers to questions asked by Joseph Smith and people who asked him, as the prophet, what they should do.

Over and over again the Lord says in these verses, "Knock and it shall be opened unto you; seek and ye shall find; ask, and your questions will be answered."

But, Jesus adds, ask with real intent, ready to do what you are asked to do. That's the real key: learn it, then Do It.



