So much information!
That time when you go on Youtube and see so many videos that you want to watch, so much cool information and entertainment, that you reopen a new tab of Youtube so you can search for a specific video you need, and see so many more that you want to watch that so they don't get lost you reopen a third tab, and a fourth... finally you just start watching instead of finding the video you were looking for…
I love Youtube. As it stands now, it’s awesome. Of course it has awful things on it, too. You have to watch responsibly, just as you would choose water or cranberry juice over Koolaid or rotgut. I’ve watched and/or listened to a wide variety of subjects. Highlights include: starving cancer cells by encouraging specific gut bacteria; high tea is a meal you eat on a high or dinner table, while low tea is a snack you eat on a low or coffee table; songs from various anime, choir, and computer games; an evaluation of responses from climate scientists in answer to a question someone asked; watching baby emus hatch; a comedy sketch about a county in Florida which is considering banning the dictionary for having too much sexual content; the hall in a house used to mean the entire single room of a house; why Salt Lake City’s streets and blocks were laid out wide and straight; polite manners in the time of Jane Austen. And that’s just the last 24 hours!
For me it’s like being in heaven; I want to learn everything. It’s difficult to stop listening long enough to do other things. I even bring my computer into the kitchen and set it on top of the toaster to listen while I wash dishes. There’s so much to know, and so many cool connections to make between things. I never lack for something to think about. I’m only writing now because I can’t surf the web; I’m away from a wifi connection. I still have Youtube’s tab open on my computer. I can see and drool over the videos it last recommended to me, but I can’t learn about coyotes, music that entered the public domain this year, or why we made front yard businesses illegal in the U.S. Sigh. Such suffering.
Totally first world problems, and I know it, and yet… I correspond with a man in Kenya, a man in Haiti, a woman in the Philippines. They all have enough internet connection to access Facebook, but their living conditions are much worse than mine. I’m well off, for a human, and still so limited. What will actual heaven be like?