Repeat the plan

I see the plan of salvation as an explanation for why we are here on earth. Quick rundown: God the Father is Our father; he wants us to grow up like Him, strong, loving people who do good things because we choose to. To do this we need to learn how to treat each other with love and kindness while gaining our own bodies, so we can choose without Him leaning over our shoulders all the time. He is perfectly just; we're going to make mistakes on earth, and we won't be comfortable coming back to heaven unless there's a way to erase our mistakes. Our brother Jesus Christ volunteers to come to earth, gain a body, live perfectly, teach us, suffer for our sins, and die, then be resurrected, for us. Jesus Christ wants to pay for our sins for us, so we can return to Heavenly Father, if we want to. Jesus Christ also wants to resurrect our bodies, so we can return to heaven with perfected eternal bodies, like God the Father's body. Jesus Christ is so committed to Heavenly Father's plan for us, that Jesus will not force us to accept his sacrifice. We can, if we choose, take our own sins with us and suffer however long it takes to make it up to God, or however long it takes for us to change our minds and decide to love and help people instead of hurt them. Jesus Christ even takes on himself the sins of anyone who didn't know what they were doing wrong, the young, the mentally disabled; in Jesus Christ's perfect mercy He sees our hearts and allows us to change. This life is not the end. God the Father will judge us, justly, and Jesus Christ will advocate for us, a perfect defender, one who pays our debts if we choose to follow him. But because we don't understand everything that happens here on earth, there's a waiting time after death and before the judgment. In that time, we can't hurt each other (no bodies to hurt; those who would hurt each other anyway will be separated from those who would work together). We will see and remember what happened on earth; we will understand more than we do now, and we will have the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice for us then. Eventually there will be a final judgment, in God's due time; those who choose to do good will receive the ability to do more good, and those who choose to hurt others and tear down communities will be separated from them. This is such a perfect plan, and so simple, that we misunderstand it and make it sound more difficult all the time. Choose good; when you make a mistake, repent and try to make it right; keep learning and keep trying; rinse, repeat, for all your life. Thankfully, life is not all that long... 'cause this is hard work.


Yes, Minister


Remembering the Good Times