Pumping breast milk

A mom asked me about nursing a baby and having one side produce significantly more than the other side. Here’s what I told her:

I understand wondering if there's something wrong, and I understand being relieved there's milk coming out.  If your breast is not sore, and not noticeably lumpy or an obviously different size than the other breast, is less production when pumping a problem?  My experience with pumping was that my two sides did not produce the same amounts; I figured I was holding them differently (I'm right-handed) or maybe was working harder on one than on the other.  As long as dear child is getting enough, it's normal to be a little unbalanced.  Keep your eye out for possible infection; encourage your child to keep nursing on the lesser side, to keep milk moving.  I found that I relaxed more when my infant was nursing on one side than on the other; I could do things with my right hand and could almost forget I was nursing.  I would relax so much when nursing on the left side that my left arm fell asleep many times and got tendonitis from having heavy baby laying on it so much.When nursing on the right side, my left hand couldn't do as much or as effectively (reading books, turning pages, using the computer mouse, typing emails, caring for other children).    I hope you are able to resolve your concern and enjoy nursing.  Bless you!


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