Perspective: John Holt

It’s important to look at other people’s perspectives. I enjoyed reading How Children Learn by John C. Holt. I only got about halfway through before it went back to the library. There was so much there that I agreed with; it felt almost intuitive, in ways I had not expressed before.

John Holt had no children of his own but taught for many years in New York public schools. He doesn't speak as a parent but rather as an astute observer of many children. This was, I think, both an advantage and a disadvantage to him. As a homeschooling mom, I have frequent insights into my few children and their friends. I have to go to other parents to get perspective, because my view, while deep and personal, can be myopic. My focus can be too close: trees, not forest. I think Mr. Holt had a better view of forest, a wider perspective, at the cost of not plumbing as deeply into individuals. He seems to have been blessed to be able to observe closely a number of his friends' children, as well as his students.


Focus attention.


Puberty rewires the brain.