Learn by faith

Doctrine and Covenants 88:118: “seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” I was looking at ears today at church. They’re like little trumpets on the sides of people’s heads, all wrinkled and round, sticking out to catch sound waves and usher them in, where the tiny eardrum and tiny bones vibrate to transfer the sound to signals the brain can interpret. We can study all we want, but how to describe music? To understand it, you must hear it, feel the vibrations, experience the wonder and marvel of emotions that come with it. This is learning by faith: you must try it out.

Studying the word of God is good and worthwhile, but to become like God we must do more than read it, more than memorize. Faith is action. Faith is patient waiting; faith is continuing on the path even when we’re not sure where God is leading us. His idea of success for us is marvelous, wonderful, good in all the best ways, but truly a marvel and a wonder because it’s so different from what we would accomplish without his guidance. He knows us, and His ways are higher than our ways. His plans for us are greater than we imagine. Step out and do; He will catch you and lead you along.


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