Hail Fellow Well Met!

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Jesus Christ loves you

I listened to the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, singing one of the hymns about Jesus Christ, one of the quiet hymns. During the last session of General Conference, after we've been listening to speakers and choir music for 9 and a half hours over two days, they always sing something so peaceful and quiet that you could easily just drift off to sleep. And sometimes we have, both my husband and I, and sometimes some of our children.

But I realized today that that's not the purpose. Jesus Christ directed His prophets to set up General Conferences, twice a year, for His people, those who will listen, to hear His words and feel His love for us. He inspires our leaders to tell us what He wants us to know, filtered through their life experiences and their mortal connections to our faults and foibles. He uses our leaders to warn us of pitfalls and misleading influences they've experienced or seen; He tells us, through them, what works to overcome the world. And He loves us. Jesus Christ really does love each and every one of us. He wants us to rejoice. He wants us to work together. He wants us to not fight but pay attention and work on problems. He only has our attention for as long as we're willing and able to give it, so He sends us this last message before the end of conference: "I love you. I love you. I give you my peace; it will be okay. I love you."