I don’t sew

My mother made sure I knew how to sew, and I was willing to learn. I wanted my own children to learn sewing, but… For most of my adulthood I have not sewn, by choice. Always there is something more urgent: people need food, we’re tired, diapers need changed, I’m reading a night story to the children, we’re hugging, the garden wants water. Clean clothing trumps sewing clothes, and buying used clothes in better condition trumps sewing, too. I can say, honestly, that simplifying my life includes not sewing. There are too many therbligs, little steps to set up and tear down, an entire unnecessary process, with little value when clothing is simple to replace. I don’t want to do it.

You may say, it’s wasteful to dispose of clothing that is only missing a button, or has a broken zipper. You are correct, except that I can go to Goodwill and find dozens of shirts that don’t require buttons. Replacing a zipper requires buying a replacement zipper or buying a garment that already has the needed zipper, then sewing the zipper into the clothing you’re repairing. The cost of a new zipper often exceeds the cost of used clothing. If you’re buying a garment to take out the zipper to put into another dress, why not just buy a dress that fits you, that has a working zipper?

Besides which, my time is limited. I’m already overbooked, double and triple booked with things I want to learn and people I need to hug.


Check the washer


Easy laundry