Good people
On Wednesday I went to lunch with a group of church ladies, friends. They welcomed me, said they had saved a seat for me, asked me how my children were doing, and listened while I told them. I asked how their families were doing, and listened, asking follow up questions. When we got ready to leave, I hugged them one at a time. They thanked me for hugs. We all said how glad we were to meet up; it was good to see each other and talk.
On Thursday I went to a friend’s house. We worked on a large jigsaw puzzle, swung in her bench swing, ate delicious food, and talked with her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend. We recorded a lot of our conversation for later editing into a podcast. We laughed and talked and hugged. Her dog licked my hands and jumped up on me every time I picked up a bag of food, any food. The weather was hot and then cloudy and breezy while still warm; we admired the sky. We hung out a load of laundry and by the time the clouds came, it was dry.
I feel refreshed. I have laughed; I cried earlier in the day. It was all cathartic. I told my friend afterwards that she is a blessing to me. She lightens the burden of living. She replied that she feels the same way about me. I’m grateful.
These are wonderful people, good people, average not celebrity people, trying their best to do good things and often failing but getting up and trying again. I am glad we laughed together.