Contact information

It is a pet peeve of mine that people post, “Come to this event or this yard sale or this business! Contact me!” and then don’t add their phone number or location or even a general area they’ll be in. A business name allows potential customers to look for reviews and for a website. A person’s name isn’t very helpful, because random people, pretending to be someone else, post all the time. Emails take time to write and to respond. Text messages are often ignored if the receiver doesn’t know who is sending it. Facebook Messenger messages to someone you’re not Facebook friends with, don’t go through until they check their “message requests” tab, which some people never check, and which requires more time and awareness to remember to do.

I understand that individuals may not want their personal phone numbers out there; I understand that spammers and scammers and unsafe relatives will misuse any information you post. But if your information isn't out there, friends and customers can't find you, either. Giving a business name allows people to look up your location and reviews. Giving at least a general area allows people to decide whether to pursue your opportunity. I'm not interested in going to yard sales an hour from my house. I don't want to do a search for a business owner unless I'm VERY interested; if it's just a, "come see what we do", I won't bother unless it's on my route somewhere.

If you want my attention, my money, my interest, you better make it easy for me to reach you. You have all the competition in the world.


Blue lappy


A thousand cuts